Options (Other Services We Can Provide) |
In addition to ordering our basic product which is a plot or map of the property boundaries based on the information sent to LandPrints, there are several other options as follows:
Error Analysis - When closure is not achieved (last boundary does not return to the "Point of Beginning"), there may be several reasons for this. Sometimes the correction is obvious. Sometimes it may be possible to rationalize a correction, particularly if a corrected Course length or bearing results in excellent closure. We will include an error analysis with the original order if requested. If the plot has good closure, there will be no analysis charge. The analysis to the right is a simple example of what LandPrints might return if good closure is obtained on making certain corrections. It would be imbedded right on your Data Sheet. If you want to analyze you own resulting data, this is fine. Certainly, a follow-up order for analysis can be made if desired. See the section titled "About Errors".
Building Placement - We can position your house outline or "footprint" within the property boundaries. If you request this, your house location relative to the property boundaries and orientation or bearing will have to be defined. The first requirement is that you have "metes and bounds" information that defines your boundaries, their lengths and bearings. Secondly, you need to identify two corners of a straight side on your building. Thirdly, from point #1 of one of the defined Courses, measure the distance to house corner #1. Fourth, from Course point #1, measure the distance to house corner #2. Fifth, from Course point #2, measure the distance to house corner #1. Now, you are ready to measure the lengths and directions of your house perimeter. You should use the "Rhode Island" Method as described in "The Boundaries" section of this web site. All of the house perimeter data plus the 3 distances described above and shown as "red lines" in the diagram should be sent to LandPrints so we can generate the drawing with integrated house "footprint".
Corrected Plot - Sometimes it is possible to "rationalize" why the boundaries for a property do not close at the Point of Beginning. If the error is a simple direction mistake or "typo" like north instead of south, or east instead of west, this can be corrected. Or, if closure is offset toward a certain direction, and this is the exact direction of one of the boundaries, one might speculate that the length of that boundary is in error by the length it takes to close the boundaries. Sometimes tangency plays a role in correcting a plot. If there are more than one or two errors in the property description, it is usually hard to correct the plot. However, we can analyze your data and advise you if it is possible to suggest reasonable corrections in your property description. A corrected plot can then be requested.
Adjacent Plot - If you would like to show your property of interest along with an adjacent property, probably with a common boundary, LandPrints may be able to do this. You can send us the data and we will evaluate it and let you know if we can show this multiplicity on paper.
Special Notation - Custom work is nice but it usually takes time. Things of interest might be the names of neighbors along certain Courses, dimensions of the Courses, notation around a house "footprint", designation of certain monuments perhaps related to historical properties, etc., etc., etc. LandPrints will be glad to do this but will have to evaluate the effort and quote a special price for the work. Just let us know what you want.